Business & Commercial Litigation
(Plaintiffs and Defendants)
While James, House, Swann & Downing, P.A. has other areas of practice, one of the Firm’s primary practice areas is business and commercial litigation. Of course, there are innumerable types of cases and issues which fall under this area of law.
Agency and Partnerships
Antitrust and Unfair Competition
Banking and Finance Litigation
Bills and Promissory Notes
Breaches of Warranties (Express and Implied)
Broker-Dealer Arbitration (Securities Litigation and Arbitration)
Business Torts and Competition Litigation (fraud, concealment, conversion, negligence, tortious interference with contract or prospective economic advantage, misappropriation of trade secrets, civil conspiracy, slander of title, breach of fiduciary duty, negligent representation, unfair competition, etc.)
Class Action and Complex Litigation (both representing class action plaintiffs and class action defendants)
Confidentiality and Trade Secret Issues
Construction and Building Disputes
Contract and Business Disputes (breach of contract, fraud in the inducement of a party to the contract, enforceable or unenforceable provisions, available remedies for breach of contract and availability of attorney fees, contract interpretation disputes, specific performance of a contract, etc.)
“Corporate Divorces” and Disputes Among Owners, Partners, Members, Joint Ventures, and Shareholders
Debt Collection/Debtor-Creditor Relations
Defamation (Libel, Slander, and Disparagement)
Disability Benefit Disputes and ERISA Disputes
Drafting and Litigation of Non-Compete Agreements, Restrictive Covenants, Covenants Not to Solicit Customers, and Confidentiality Agreements
Education Law
Employment Discrimination Litigation and Wrongful Discharge (representing both employers and employees in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission “EEOC” proceedings and in court, if it advances to that stage)
Fifth Amendment Takings/Eminent Domain Cases
Foreclosure Litigation
Franchisors and Distributors Disputes
Government Contracts and Procurement Litigation (disputes arising out of private contractors’ agreements with the Government for provision of services or use of Government property)
Injunctions and Temporary Restraining Orders
Insurance Coverage Litigation
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and “Outrage” Claims
Land Use and Boundary or Zoning Disputes
Products Liability (Defective Products, Design Flaws, etc.)
Professional Liability and Malpractices (Attorneys, Accountants, Physicians, etc.)
Real Estate Disputes
RICO Litigation (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization)
Sales of Goods
Wage and Hour Disputes (representing both employers and employees in Department of Labor “DOL” proceedings and in court, if it advances to that stage)
James, House, Swann & Downing, P.A. has extensive experience in the area of business and commercial litigation. In fact, the Firm is listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers in the area of commercial litigation, in addition to white-collar criminal defense and personal injury. Please contact us if we can be of assistance.